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Travel LEaders Business News
Travel Leaders Business Travel
Travel Leaders Business News
April 2015
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Delta to use Philadelphia-London slots
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How Hotels are Capitalizing on What Business Travelers Value Most
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Airport Dining Lifts Off
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Airlines Are Making More Changes in Frequent-flier Programs; What You Need to Know

Airlines continue to tinker with their frequent-flier programs, sometimes in ways that help business travelers but make it harder for occasional fliers to earn a free trip.

Frequent-flier programs started out simple: After flying enough trips or miles you earned a free flight, maybe to some exotic place. They built loyalty. But in the last few years, many airlines have changed their programs to reward high-spending customers.

"That's going to come out of the hides of those travelers who are flying less frequently and flying on cheaper tickets," says Tim Winship, editor of He says some travelers will need to ask themselves if it's worth staying loyal to one airline just to earn miles.

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Delta, Virgin Atlantic Expand Transatlantic Partnership
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6 Guaranteed Ways to Sleep on an Airplane
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Explanations Behind 7 Confusing Three-Letter Airport Codes
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Hotels Help Guests Score a Good Night's Sleep

For corporate trekkers, making it to the hotel is only half the battle. All the preparation in the world may not do much good if you're exhausted for your big presentation the next day.

So a growing number of hotel properties and brands are rolling out features to help business travelers and other guests get a better night's sleep, from special lighting and plush mattresses to aromatherapy and guided meditations.

The hotel industry is "in the business of providing a safe and comfortable place for people to rest, so sleep should always be on the top of the agenda for operators,'' says Jan Freitag of STR, a hotel research firm. "Business travelers ... need to be ready to go in the morning, and anything that enhances that sleep experience for them to be more productive is worth exploring.''

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Female Business Travelers Face Special Challenges

In an increasingly global marketplace, crossing borders for business has become routine.

Navigating an unfamiliar country or culture can be difficult. Particularly for the roughly 40% of business trekkers who are female, it may take extra steps to stay safe.

Joe Bates of the Global Business Travel Association observes that women have a greater focus on safety and security. "It would be things like, 'Is the hotel located in a safe part of town? How do I know the taxi company I'm using is a reputable one?' ... Things of that nature tend to resonate much more with women," than with male travelers, Bates.

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