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COVID-19 State and Territory Action Tracker
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COVID-19 Travel Recommendations by Country
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COVID-19 Global Cases Map (Johns Hopkins University)
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Your COVID-19 Travel Toolkit
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Delta Maintains Winning Streak Amid Covid Challenges

For the 10th year in a row, travel buyers rated Delta Air Lines as the top carrier in BTN’s Airline Survey, atop a tide of improved buyer satisfaction with airlines even as they faced a near total evaporation of corporate travel demand amid the Covid-19 pandemic.

Delta earned a total score of 4.59 on a five-point scale and once again earned the highest score among its competitors in all criteria measured in the survey. BTN this year added three criteria specific to airlines’ Covid-19 response, but the rest of the categories were consistent with last year’s survey. Delta also improved its score year over year in all survey criteria.

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3 Tips To Express Gratitude This Thanksgiving In A Virtual Working World

The year 2020 has been a challenging year for many people due to the coronavirus pandemic. Working from home has blurred the lines between professional and personal lives. This year, don’t be afraid to get personal and show your colleagues what you are thankful for, whether it is something personal or professional. Make a connection with people that may be feeling disconnected. Meaningfully express your gratitude to your teammates so they feel they have meaning. Expressing your gratitude may help you to feel more connected and meaningful, too. As Thanksgiving 2020 approaches, here are three easy ways you can express thanks to your colleagues.

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How To Work-From-Home While (Shhh…) Also Traveling

Ever since the pandemic hit, the media has been awash with trendwatching pieces about how society might change. Some of these virus-induced trends will surely fade over time, but one I believe that might actually stick is the remote work revolution.

Companies around the world have been forced to adopt flexible work-from-home rules — and now it seems many will make them permanent.

If so, this will have a huge impact on travel. 

Millions of office workers will not just be able to work from home… but they may do so without, well, actually being at home. This in turn can open up different forms of travel that are part work and part leisure.

If you want to experiment with being a digital nomad of sorts — even for just a week or a few days — now could be a perfect time. 

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