Customers Cram Carry-Ons as U.S. Airlines Look the Other Way
A recent Instagram ad showed a roomy carry-on bag that the company promised would fit in an overhead compartment.
In the comments, a satisfied customer said she’d been able to pack 50 pounds of stuff into hers. What? Fifty pounds is the weight limit many airlines impose on checked baggage.
Is it cheating? Apparently not.
Even though the price of jet fuel has gone up roughly 39 percent from a year ago, most airlines do not police the weight of carry-on bags.
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What’s Missing in Wellness Hospitality?
Wellness is a hot topic in hospitality right now. Walk into most five-star hotels, and the gyms are first-rate, with spas offering thoughtful, nuanced treatments and room service menus calibrated not for late night gluttony, but for maintaining nutrition on the road. Equinox is opening their first hotel, and brands like Westin are wrapping their brand positioning around the concept.
On a deeper level, hotels like the Lanesborough in London are combining the ultra-high-end wellness members club approach and hotel in one unique concept. They’ve taken the old British notion of members clubs and calibrated it around 360-degree wellness, touching on nutrition, fitness, skincare, and recovery.
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Zika Virus Remains Concern for Travelers with Pregnancy Plans
While mainstream media coverage of the Zika virus has largely faded into the background, agents say that clients who are most at risk of negative side effects -- women who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant -- are still avoiding travel to areas where the virus has been locally transmitted.
In late 2015 and early 2016, Zika was confirmed in a number of countries in the Caribbean and Central and South America. The virus started to make headlines following a February 2016 declaration by the World Health Organization that Zika was a public health emergency, with proven links to serious birth defects. The virus eventually made its way as far north as Miami.
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